Monday, January 19, 2009

NIghtmare Over

Tomorrow the long national nightmare is over. No more ridiculous, reactionary policies. No more mangled sentences. No more rigged elections. No more choking on pretzels. I find it hard to believe, but the Prince of Ineptitude, the Deacon of Disaster, will soon be gone. How I will miss the cronyism, the blank stare, the war lords, the bully diplomacy, the bravado, the machismo, the Bushisms, the Cheneyisms, the guns in your face, the bullets in your friends’ faces, the waterboarding, the eavesdropping, the Halliburton contracts, the rainbow of terror alerts, the Jack of Diamonds, the King of Spades, the Great Wall of Mexico Border, the Bush tax cuts, the Bush Blue Skies Policy, the faith-based initiative, the oh-so-compassionate conservatism. Gone, too, his merry band of madmen, the Rumsfelds, the Feiths, the Wolfowitzes, the Roves of the world!

And is it just a mirage? In his place, a transformative leader, a galvanizing speaker, an electrifying and charismatic personality who takes us back to the time when people had faith in those who govern. I thought this day would never come. No more President-Elect. PRESIDENT Obama. No more President Bush. OUTGOING Bush. The color of his skin is a distraction, a side story. This change comes not a moment too soon. Good riddance, George. Hallelujah, Barack.

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