Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Day to Remember

So this is it—one way or another, history will be made today.
Not a single poll in over five weeks has put John McCain ahead. Both the electoral college and the popular vote tallies have Obama enjoying a comfortable lead, and even Republican strategists have publicly conceded the likelihood of a McCain defeat.

All of which reminds me that, should tomorrow come and McCain turn out to be on top, my darkest fears will have come true: once again, the elections will have been manipulated, twisted, and turned in favor of the moneyed party. I hate to even entertain the idea that we’ll see voter election fraud again—a la Bush 2000 and 2004—even after so many safeguards have been put in place, but then I remember this country’s history of racism, its adherence to a monolithic profile for its presidents, and most of all, the corruption of its incumbent party.

This is a day dreamt of by many for generations. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and a host of civil rights leaders past and present are surely rejoicing, wherever they are. Let’s pray that heaven is not betrayed by the specter of greed and dishonesty that hangs over us all.

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