Monday, May 12, 2008

What Happens in Asia

It's another ho-hum week on the Asian continent: At least 22,000 died in a cyclone in Myanmar; some 44,000 more are missing, yes, that same Myanmar where only months ago there was a martial-law crackdown on religious expression by those violent Monks (MONKS!!); then over the Mother's Day weekend, you may not have heard, a 7.9 Richter-scale earthquake wiped out at least 10,000 in China....

Then again, I can understand why you may not have heard; the important thing you need to know tonight, according to Yahoo, is that Mariah Carey has made a video with her new hubby; meanwhile, the headliner on is sage advice on how long it will take you to make your first million.

Is anyone else out there as sick of this blindfold that they have us in as I am? Amazing how we are "a smaller world" these days; a "global village," some have called it, thanks to miraculous new forms of telecommunications--yet you have to delve deep into the news to find out about disasters of epic proportions, disasters that make Katrina look like an outdoor picnic....hey, they're in Asia! Half a globe away!

Here in the good old U.S.A., it's still business as usual: If it doesn't pertain to the celebrity culture or the pursuit of millions, the majority of people just don't care.

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