Thursday, May 26, 2011

The End of the Cunning

The leaves will dance
And the birds again sing
When finally the cunning is gone
A long expiration from night until dawn
When the cunning is gone
The hucksters give up on their scamming
The showmen give up on their cons
The starlets and models surrender their clothing
No matter what rags they have on
The players recreate for enjoyment
The agents are shown to the door
The floor is now nature’s, the clouds are the sky’s
Now that the cunning is gone
All across bridges and nations
Real estate is no more real
Sensation, emotion, and love rule the day
Now that the cunning is gone

Thursday, May 19, 2011

When the Wind Goes Home

When the wind goes home
And the leaves go limp
And the rain has sent
Us all within

I’ll still remember
Blowing through your hair
But you are gray
And the wind’s not there

Was a world of thrills
Now a world of woe
The wind went home
And the world says no

Freedom flags
Are torn and spent
The wind was high
But the wind just went

We had a boat
We had a sail
Now we have a sea
To no avail

For when the wind goes home
It’s a ragged world
I picked you up
I told you girl