Monday, September 27, 2010

New Leaf

One morning arising
and cursed with the burden
of thinking

My jackhammer brain’s
ceaseless pounding
the surface of concrete

I came on a leaf
dancing dangerously close
to my window

Chlorophyll stolen its
blood intermingled
with rain

Speckled and auburn
and falling and
grasping at nothing

Jesus with all of his
lilies could not have
designed this

I gazed at the leaf until
I and the leaf
were the same

Thursday, September 23, 2010

From the Heights

Height of summer
any day
is paradise
nothing can fail
nothing can fall
your medallion sun
is in its august throne

Behind the cirrus clouds
autumn clenches
a stealthy fist
you do not see
the hole in the sky
where all the leaves
and breezes and branches

Dance spinelessly downward
robbed of nerves
through the hole
the old man punched
fear not, for you
a blanket is coming

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This New Eye

I take this new eye
to the next planet,
where a world does not
shiver in silence,
blind with false suns,
vilify its living
or dead

This new eye will see
to the core of each being

And while new bones conjoin
in capsules of fluid
as part of an ecstatic running,

This eye will move too
to the balls of my feet
to know what is pressing
and moving
whatever is called
the ground

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Google This!

The newest innovation from the geniuses at Google involves a Magic 8-Ball of a design that tries to guess what you're searching for with every letter you type, beginning with the first. One quick whirl with this baby gives you a good idea of the state of our country:

Type an A and it will bring you amazon, aol, and att;
B yields best buy, bank of america, bing, and belk
C gives you craigslist, cnn and comcast....
you get the idea.

Any surprise that G leads to gmail and google maps, or that F leads to a certain "book"--and it's not one that has page numbers??

I think the folks at Google have too much time on their hotmail (sorry, finger slipped onto a Google search)

Monday, September 6, 2010

His Inerrancy

The Creator saddens.
In all its gyrations
mad gestations
Earth was never
meant to darken.
Dappled sun-baked marble
slowly burning
holes into
some emperor’s

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Planet Basket

Earth in miniature

Delectable whole
From tartest poles
To sweetest core
Splash of ocean on the tongue
Blue spume into my cavernous cosmos
Juice into the void

The gigantic crescent moon has swallowed
The sun and splayed its rays
From end to end and spotless
If peeled your white returns
But the craters have all smoothed
Your sheen reflects my loneliness
We fill each other's holes

Ten thousand groves of goddesses
Converge inside my mouth
Florida itself floats in this ocean
My saliva glazes the sea
All vessels straggle homeward
Yellow delirium
Unconquerable sun