Thursday, February 26, 2009


A little rebel spirit kicking up tonight turns in this simple paean....


Don’t even think about me
I’m going out on the ocean
Yes I am crossing the sea

Too much
Of this crazy confusion
Drowning my reason
Just won’t let me be

It’s a long night
In the grip of machinery
Holding me hostage
Keeping the key

Too bad
For the debtors and dealers
I’m firing the cannon
I’m dumping the tea

Hey, hey
Don’t even think about me
I’m going out on the ocean
Yes I am crossing the sea

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Peanut Corporations's Vile PR

About Peanut Corporation of America

At Peanut Corporation of America's Corporate Office, we take extraordinary pride in the goods and services we offer and manage on behalf of Peanut Corporation of America's processing facilities at every location. Let our Lynchburg office be your point-of-contact for all your peanut processing and sale needs. Peanut Corporation's Lynchburg Office is a place for ideas. Team members at each processing facility are strongly encouraged to add their input to daily decisions and strategies. Through the structure of leadership in place at each facility, the Lynchburg Office receives communications and dispenses decisions that help Peanut Corporation of America serve our most important client: You!

I copy pasted this gem directly from Peanut Corporation of America's website. Yes, THE Peanut Corporation of America. Good old American as usual! Gotta love it!

Friday, February 6, 2009

That Blue

I can still remember
Rolling hills and pristine lakes
Everything untouched by time
Living on in its wake
But most of all I look into
That blue
That awesome blue

A time nothing can sunder
Even years and rumbling tanks
Indelible in memory
Each moment I give thanks
To thoughts that lead me back into
That blue
That awesome blue

Contrivances in picture books
But so alive to me
The sky, the ocean melding to
Imagination’s sea
Swirling in my head around
That blue
That awesome blue

Indelible, impenetrable
That blue
That awesome blue